Success Based on Strong Partners
When developing innovative and sustainable systems solutions, ci-tec relies on close collaborations that proved to be successful in the past years. Apart from research institutions, ci-tec cooperates with reliable and experienced suppliers of infrared and sensor technologies as well as of control systems.
Cooperation Partners

Partnership for research into new technologies and development of innovative solutions.

EIT InnoEnergy is the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe. We support and invest in innovation at every stage of the journey – from classroom to end-customer.
InnoEnergy was established in 2010 and is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

CMV Systems GmbH & Co. KG offers comprehensive services for infrared cameras and combustion chamber monitoring. As a sales partner, CMV takes care of an installation of the inspect system in Mannheim.

High-quality infrared cameras and sensors of DIAS GmbH are seamlessly integrated into our systems via defined interfaces.