Inspect pro control Z

Increased yield in zinc recycling: Optimizing operations and temperature distribution in a rotary kiln – using innovative process control

Efficiency of zinc recycling from steel-mill dust in rotary kilns depends directly on the consistency of the slag and its temperature. Temperatures that are too low decrease the reduction of zinc oxide and, hence, the zinc yield, whereas too high temperatures cause the slag to agglomerate, which also affects the yield.
inspect pro control Z significantly increases the efficiency of the process by calculating the necessary characteristics for optimized temperature control and transmitting this information to the process control system. Calculation of these data is based on signals from an infrared cameras which can see the temperature distribution and consistency of the slag through the ames, soot, and zinc oxide dust. Optimizing the combustion process increases the zinc yield and reduces coke consumption as well as undesired slag deposits on the rotary kiln.

Advantages resulting from the use of our inspect pro control Z

  • Higher zinc yield
  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Longer service lives of the plant